Boosting Social Media at Events

Stay up-to-date with platform algorithms and tech, engage attendees and non-attendees, and make the most out of your marketing efforts. Last week, we delved into the world of ticketing for your next event. Today, we’re shifting our focus towards leveraging social media to boost engagement and amplify your event’s marketing efforts. In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, staying up-to-date with platform algorithms and utilizing the latest technologies is crucial for maximizing your event’s potential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll reveal our secret tips on how to effectively boost social media at events, while also linking out to some of…

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RFID: A Good Choice for Your Event?

There are many benefits of RFID, especially from an event technology perspective. While you don’t have to implement this technology at an upcoming event, it’s a strategy to consider. And here is why: Improved efficiency regarding event entry Additional revenue streams Looks good to attendees Access to real time insights and data Eliminate counterfeit tickets So besides the basic understanding of RFID benefits, there is a big question to answer: how do you know if this technology is a good fit for your event? SEE: Using Technology to Boost Attendance Others have used this successfully, but that doesn’t mean you can…

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Paper vs. Online Invitations: A Big Decision for Your Event

Go back in time 20+ years and you will find that sending event invitations was straightforward. Your only option, for the most part, was to send paper invitations. In today’s day and age, things have changed a bit. Now, you have a couple of options though the most popular is online. Which one is right for your event? Which one will attract the most attendees? Here is what makes a decision so difficult: there is no right or wrong answer. The choice is yours, and you can only make a final decision once you are comfortable with the pros and cons…

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Should You Worry About Ticket Scalpers As An Event Organizer?

Any ticketed event, no matter how large, will eventually run out of space if there’s enough interest. It’s inevitable – and to be frank, there are far worse problems to have in your field than a sold out event. At the same time, a sold-out show potentially opens you up to a completely different issue: ticket scalping. Desperate to gain access to an event on short notice, people will often turn to scalpers for admission. These men and women would traditionally purchase tickets in bulk, selling them at a profit – some less reputable ones might even forge their own…

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Everything You Need To Know About Ticketing

Every event requires some sort of ticketing, ranging from a simple RSVP list to in-depth, data driven software systems. This week we are going to focus on the latest happenings in the ticketing world. It’s critical to have as accurate attendee numbers as possible to set a budget and ensure a smooth running event. It’s a waste of budget to over order on your catering or not have enough hotel rooms on site due to an oversold event. This closely follows our series from last week that looked at current innovation that is changing the event industry. Check out our pieces…

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