Blog » Video Games

Video Games and Events go way back… Seriously, have you ever seen any of the events from the 70s and 80s? They were amazing back then, and still are to this day (and if you haven’t seen any of the old tournaments, go watch High Score on Netflix).

We do a ton of gaming related stuff here at Everwall—not just personally (a lot of us are gamers), but also professionally. That gives us some interesting insights—at least we think so! So, in this category we share some of those insights. Would you like to play a game?

Five Factors Of Running A Video Game Trade Show

It’s official – Gaming has gone mainstream. These days, it’s rare to meet someone who hasn’t played at least one game. With gaming’s popularity has come a lot more game-industry events, conferences, and trade shows  – all being covered by mainstream media. If you’re in event management you may be thinking about opportunities in this growing space. There’s a lot that goes into making a trade show successful – and gaming trade show is no exception. Here are a five factors to take into account when running a video game trade show. Does your event focus on players or developers? […]

Do’s and Dont’s of Hosting Video Game Tournaments

Gaming is not what it used to be. It’s no longer a niche, and most of the time you don’t even have to question if someone’s a gamer—it’s more like, what games do they like play? Welcome to the popular world of Esports, where professional gamers are well on their way to being considered on par with professional “traditional” athletes, both in earnings, and in fanbases. We’re even starting to see universities offering League of Legends scholarships.

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Six Pieces of Advice for Running a Tournament

Planning to run a tournament? It involves more than just gathering participants, setting up brackets, and awarding a trophy. Successful tournaments require careful logistics and strategic planning. Ignore these details, and your tournament could fall flat. Here are six essential pieces of advice for running a tournament. 1. Keep Registration Reasonable When it comes to advice for running a tournament, setting a fair registration fee is crucial. The amount you charge should reflect what you’re offering to the winners and the number of participants you expect. More participants allow for lower registration fees, making your tournament more accessible. 2. Offer […]

How Gamification Can Help You Market Your Event

If you’re working in the events industry, there’s a good chance you have, on at least one occasion, heard someone use a word like “gamification” or a phrase like “game theory” to refer to a particular marketing strategy. It seems to be the next big buzzword in marketing; like any buzzword, there’s more to it than meets the eye. It’s also an invaluable strategy for marketing your brand, if you understand how to utilize it. So… what exactly is gamification? Before we go any further, I’d like to clear up an incredibly common misnomer: game theory and gamification are not […]