The 10 Best Event Planning Tools

Even the most skilled and talented planner is only as good as their toolkit. Planning an event is an immensely complicated process, and veterans know that any advantage they can get that streamlines running an event—is invaluable. Thankfully, tools exist in droves to this end, and here’s ten tools I think are some of the best event planning tools, and explain how they can help you.

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What To Do if An Event Goes South

The most successful event planners are those who are able to tell a story. These men and women can stand in front of an audience and connect with each person individually; they can put a human face on their brand and present it with remarkable grace and candor. There’s another trait they all share, as well: they’re all able to think on their feet. The reason this is important is quite simple: no matter how well you plan out an event, there’s always something that can go wrong. Worse, you aren’t always going to realize something has gone wrong until…

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Thank you, from Tweetwall

This year, as I reflect on everything I have to be thankful for—something that Thanksgiving (here in the states) is good about reminding you to do—the team and I have a lot to be thankful for. We’ve been able to work with great people, on awesome events and because of that, we absolutely had a banner year—and it’s all because of you.

We went from what was essentially a consulting company at the beginning of the year that only did a few Tweetwalls a month, to having a self-service Tweetwall platform—which was launched in May—and doing hundreds of Tweetwalls. We went from being primarily a Twitter analytics company—Socialping—to being the premier provider of Tweetwalls. We went from losing money each month, to being profitable. We did this, because of you, and the team and I couldn’t be more thankful.

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