How to Choose a Venue for your First Event

When planning your first event, there is sure to be a lot running through your mind. Are people going to attend? How much will it cost? What happens if something goes wrong?

Although you are faced with many questions, the best thing you can do is deal with each detail as it comes up.

Before you can get into the weeds, the very first thing you need to do is to select a venue location for your event. This is one of the biggest decisions you will make, so you have to consider all your options while comparing the pros and cons of each location.

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7 Ways to Promote An Event on Facebook

If you’re hosting an event, Facebook is an excellent way to get the word out. Even if you’re not using their built in Facebook Events feature, you can still easily promote an event on Facebook.

Here are 7 highly effective ways to leverage the power of Facebook to promote your event. And a bonus tip… but don’t skip ahead!

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Hello, We’re Tweetwall.

Since 2008, we have been helping event managers maximize their event’s engagement by providing real-time Twitter activity through Tweetwalls. We have a whole host of awesome clients that have used our Tweetwall in the past such as CNN, Microsoft and PayPal, just to name a few. And today, we’re here to introduce you to the all new, self service, world of Tweetwall!

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The Guide To Guest Speakers, Part Two: Working With Guest Speakers

So, you’ve managed to net yourself an industry expert speaker or two who’s interested in speaking at your event. Working with guest speakers can be complicated—you need to sign contracts, negotiate payment, AND give them their freedom (while also steering them to remain relevant to your event). In short, the next step is to ask yourself how you can avoid making them hate you before you’ve even begun.

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Why Modern Event Planning Requires A Flair For Storytelling

Back in the 1960s, sociologist Marshall McLuhan expressed some downright revolutionary insights. Technology, he explained, would one day advance in such a way that the whole world would be interconnected. Communicating with someone on another continent would be just as simple as walking over to the neighbors’ house to borrow a cup of sugar; perhaps more so. To give shape to his theory, he coined the term “global village.” In essence, McLuhan conceived the notion of a worldwide communications network; a tight-knit global community which transcended physical distance. With the birth of social media, it’s safe to say that his…

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