How to Make an Impact with Social Media for Conferences

If you’re planning the social media for conferences, trade shows, or other big events, make sure your efforts are impactful.

The energy is palpable. There’s a buzz of excitement and expectation. It’s conference week, and your company is hosting one of the most anticipated events in your industry—and you’re in charge of social media. For conferences this big, managing the social media can be a full-time job.

You want people to engage, to value your work, and you want them to share. Your social media presence is the hype!

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Why Using Hashtags for Business is So Important

The hash (#) symbol has served many purposes, but using hashtags for business is the newest way to boost a company’s influence and reach.

The hashtag we all know and love has had a few different lives. Before it was the hashtag, it was called a “pound sign.” The # symbol has been used to abbreviate weights, it was added to the telephone keypad to send instructions to the operating system, and it’s a sharp symbol on sheet music.

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10 Low-Cost Social Media Ideas for Nonprofits That Deliver High Value

Social media ideas for nonprofits work best and deliver the highest ROI when they leverage hashtags, video and the most popular social platforms.

As a non-profit, your goal is to raise as much money and find as many new donors as possible, while rewarding your current donors. Social networks like Facebook have indeed made it easier to reach the masses—75% of male internet users are on Facebook as well as 83% of female internet users, according to Pew Research Center. The social media ideas for nonprofits below offer plans for attracting, engaging, and satisfying donors in-person and online.

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12 Social Media Ideas for Events

When you’re brainstorming social media ideas for events, go for tactics that will get the most engagement.

You know how to plan an event and get people in the door. You can talk up the excitement, create a buzz, and get attendees energized. Social media, though? That can be a bit trickier.

Selling tickets is great, but you have to engage your audience from start to finish and brainstorming social media ideas for events is one way to get people in the door. You aren’t looking for one-time attendees; you want people to feel a connection to you, your company, other attendees, and the event itself.

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