Blog » Social Media

When we write blog posts about social media in general, you’ll find those posts here. It doesn’t necessarily have to be about social media platforms that we specifically support, but we typically do try to focus more on the ones supported within Everwall—like Twitter, Instagram, Slack, etc.

Restaurant Promotion Ideas That Get People to Tweet About You

Twitter and restaurant promotion ideas go together like salt and pepper – as long as you season correctly

You want social media buzz for your restaurant. There are right ways and wrong ways to build that buzz. The especially egregious ones pop up now and then; you’ve undoubtedly seen them on Twitter, or maybe even your favorite news channel. Following in the paths of the condescending waitstaff or the rude business manager are *not* ideal ways to create PR for your restaurant.

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7 More Engaging Restaurant Promotion Ideas Beyond Trivia Night

Trivia might be one of the most popular restaurant promotion ideas, but it’s not the only one.

Trivia is big. There’s no arguing the fact. It’s a popular way to bring people into your restaurant, and it’s a relatively easy event to host, especially if you hire someone for it. But trivia isn’t right for every restaurant. Maybe you don’t have space. Perhaps that’s not where your audience is. Or it might not be your preferred aesthetic.

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10 Best Marketing Tools for Non-Profits That Increase Donations

Which marketing tools for non-profits will actually help you raise money? Here are some we think you’ll love.

There are plenty of marketing tools for non-profits available. Figuring out which ones will work for you? That’s another story. There’s a delicate balance of effectiveness, cost, user-friendliness, and access that’s a significant part of the equation.

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5 Creative Ways to Promote an Event with a Twitter Wall

There are more than a few creative ways to promote an event. Some of them are way more effective than others.

Can we be honest for a minute? Did you ever go to a game and when you got back to your car, there’s a flyer under your windshield wiper? Do you give it more than a passing glance? Do you get irritated?

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7 Creative Ways to Promote an Event with Hashtag Campaigns

Finding creative ways to promote an event is easier than it seems. It just takes a little umph.

When is the last time you received a paper invitation to an event? For most of us, it’s probably been a while. They do still get sent out, but they’re becoming more rare with each day. It’s much more likely to find an event announcement on social media sites or through email.

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