3 Unique Non-Profit Marketing Campaign Ideas for Universities

When is the last time your university updated its non-profit marketing campaigns?

College and university staff might know more about change than people at any other institutions. Every year you see a new cohort enter the community, while another group moves on. You watch as graduate students go on to focus on their careers, or move on to other universities. You’ve seen student records go from papers jammed into overstuffed filing cabinets to tidy digital files.

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10 of the Best Tips to Get Twitter Followers at Trade Shows

Don’t miss out on these tips to get Twitter followers before you head to your next trade show.

There isn’t much that matches the excitement of a trade show. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in your chosen industry. Everyone can share your joys, your frustrations, your story about that customer who surprised you with an invitation to their wedding.

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How to Boost Fan Loyalty with Consumer Generated Marketing

Consumer-generated marketing is your ticket to better fan engagement.

I know you came here to learn about consumer generated marketing and fan loyalty for your sports team, but let’s talk about coffee for a minute. Why? Because when it comes to fan allegiance, we can learn a lot from the marketing efforts of a major coffee company: Starbucks.

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The Social Media Charity Toolbox: 10 Tools to Attract Donors and Increase Engagement Online

To do the job right, you need the right tools. What’s in your social media charity toolbox?

You are undoubtedly familiar with the ice bucket challenge, even though it’s been a few years since celebrities like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Katy Perry dumped buckets of ice water on their heads. This viral sensation wasn’t limited to stars, though. Before long, the campaign had videos of wedding parties to video artists to kids taking on the challenge.

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The 5 Best Culture Building Activities for Teams To Increase Employee Retention

Culture building activities for teams don’t have to be complicated or time-consuming to work some magic in your office.

Employee retention is a big deal. Most companies know this, at least superficially. Employee satisfaction surveys, appreciation days, and 35 million Google results for employee satisfaction and engagement consulting are a testament to the importance of this elusive creature.

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