Blog » Event Promotion Ideas

This section of our blog is where we put posts related to promoting events! Tips, tricks, industry standards… basically anything you can think of that might help you promote your event.

How to Create a Killer Facebook Event Page

When done well, publicizing your event through Facebook can be extremely successful. Its ‘Event Pages’ allow you to reach a vast audience and engage your potential attendees, and best of all, it’s totally free. Here are some best practices for setting up your event page. The Default Settings Don’t change the default settings unless you want to make your event private or restrict access. When you set up an event page, the default settings are exactly that, they are set the way most of us want them. The default settings allow your fans to share and post most easily and […]

Five Ways Twitter Will Increase Event Attendance

As you consider ways to increase attendance at an upcoming event, you should be leveraging your social media platforms. More specifically, there is a good chance you will rely strongly on the power of Twitter. While there are many things you can do with Twitter, most people approach it as a task, and overlook strategy. There is more to this than sending out tweets, hoping that people see what you have to say and subsequently sign up to attend your event. Here are five things you must do if you hope using Twitter will help increase your events’ attendance: 1. […]

Social Marketing: Should I Focus on Facebook Exclusively or Multiple Social Networks?

We are lost in an endless forest of information, and no one seems to have a map. Since the Internet (and to a lesser extent, mobile technology) has taken over our day-to-day lives, we’ve found ourselves living in a society which bombards us with data from every angle and at every hour of the day. To say that it’s exhausting would be putting it lightly. It’s rather easy for a consumer to get overwhelmed, to say nothing of someone who needs to work in such a chaotic mass of free-flowing data on a regular basis. One of the ways in […]

7 Ways to Promote An Event on Facebook

If you’re hosting an event, Facebook is an excellent way to get the word out. Even if you’re not using their built in Facebook Events feature, you can still easily promote an event on Facebook.

Here are 7 highly effective ways to leverage the power of Facebook to promote your event. And a bonus tip… but don’t skip ahead!

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How Gamification Can Help You Market Your Event

If you’re working in the events industry, there’s a good chance you have, on at least one occasion, heard someone use a word like “gamification” or a phrase like “game theory” to refer to a particular marketing strategy. It seems to be the next big buzzword in marketing; like any buzzword, there’s more to it than meets the eye. It’s also an invaluable strategy for marketing your brand, if you understand how to utilize it. So… what exactly is gamification? Before we go any further, I’d like to clear up an incredibly common misnomer: game theory and gamification are not […]