Blog » Event Planning

Welcome to the Event Planning section of our blog! Here you’ll find all the articles we have that are related to Event Planning as a whole.  Obviously we’ll throw in some relevant info about Everwall, if it makes sense to do so.

How to Plan a Realistic Event Timeline

While planning an event can be stressful, most agree that this can be exciting at the same time. After all, there is nothing better than watching your plan come together. As you get started, you need to plan a realistic event timeline. The key word here is realistic. In this article we’re going to offer some advice on how to plan out your event timeline. The following five tips will put your event timeline on the right track: 1. Start as far in advance as possible The sooner you have a timeline in place the better off you are going […]

5 Things to Know About Planning a Hackathon

Hackathons — show me a Silicon Valley organization that doesn’t frequently host one, and I’ll show you a business with next to no innovation within its walls. These events — which typically last anywhere from a day to a week — are basically what happens when a tech firm gets all its brightest engineers, programmers, and developers together into a room… then tells them to go nuts creating something cool. Sounds pretty cool, right? Of course, like any event, there’s a fair bit of planning that goes into a hackathon – particularly if it’s to be a productive one. What, as […]

Five Legal Issues You Need To Consider When Running A Fundraiser

You’re probably already aware that as an event management professional, there are certain laws you need to adhere to, and regulations of which you need to be aware. Ignorance of the law simply isn’t acceptable – particularly if you want to keep both your firm and your clients out of legal hot water. That’s double true for charity events, which tend to have certain legal strictures surrounding them that don’t need to be considered for other events. Although the laws of each country and region vary, they tend to share certain generalities between them. Today, we’re going to take a […]

Five Tactics Every Event Management Professional Should Use To Increase Attendance

In the past, we’ve talked a great deal about how you can tailor events for your attendees. We’ve talked about how to make guests feel comfortable, how to keep them entertained, and the importance of listening to what they’re saying. What we haven’t really talked about is how to get them to your event in the first place. Certainly, we’ve touched a bit on event marketing – avenues you can use to increase awareness, tactics you can utilize to get people interested and draw their attention – but we haven’t really gone into specifics. Today, that changes. We’re going to […]

Why Emotional Intelligence Is Important For An Event Planner

As an event planner, you’re expected to be charismatic, confident, and approachable. You’re expected to be a natural storyteller, capable of holding anyone’s attention for as long as necessary. You’re expected, above all, to manage people as much as you are events. For a job like event planning, emotional intelligence is a vital trait to possess. At its core, the term refers to our ability to perceive, understand, control, and interpret emotions. It’s about being in control of how we feel, and knowing why we feel that way. More importantly, it’s about being able to pick up on how other people […]