Blog » Event Planning

Welcome to the Event Planning section of our blog! Here you’ll find all the articles we have that are related to Event Planning as a whole.  Obviously we’ll throw in some relevant info about Everwall, if it makes sense to do so.

Seven Steps For Snapchatting At Your Next Event

In the past, I’ve rather frequently drilled home the importance of brevity. People today don’t have time for lengthy marketing pitches or deep, thorough explanations of a brand. They want to know right out the door whether or not something’s worth their time – and if you can’t keep things brief, then they’ll eventually tune out. Case in point, the average human attention span is currently 8.25 seconds, down from 12 seconds in 2000. On some level, this isn’t surprising. Today, we’re bombarded with information from all sides, and we’ve less time to devote to each individual message that comes […]

Stand Out In A Crowd

Last week we focused our series on handling all of the different events that an event planner may be asked to do. This week, we are switching gears and focusing on how to be a good speaker and exhibitor at an event that you are invited to. We want you to be able to make the most out of your situation. Whether you are paying to be at an event, or you are the star of the show, we want to share with you tips on how to get the most out of it for your brand. Stop wasting time […]

The Ins And Outs Of Running An Annual Conference

Many of the best known conferences and events in the world aren’t just one-off affairs; they happen one or more times a year. Annual shows like the DEVELOP conference give industry professionals a chance to strut their stuff, while trade conventions like the Consumer Electronics Show bring the world some of the coolest technological innovations ever designed. Today, I’d like to discuss some of the finer details of running an annual conference – assuming you want to do so. Now, it bears mentioning that much of what goes into running a yearly conference is pretty much the same as running […]

The Story Of Suresh Doss Drives Home The Real Cost Of Event Management Blunders

Today, I’m going to tell you about a young man by the name of Suresh Doss. He is – or rather, was – an amateur event planner and freelance food writer. Today, he owes the City of Toronto $36,000. His is a cautionary tale, a story that drives home the importance of knowing who you’re working with and what you’re doing. See, Doss was part of a 2013 experiment to put food trucks in parks all across the city. Armed with an array of different meals, the trucks would keep hungry park-goers fed and content – and make a bit […]

How To Keep Your Events Sustainable

Both enterprise organizations and consumers have become acutely aware of the impact modern culture has on the environment in recent years. We’re beginning to warily eye the pollution created by oil, we worry and fret over greenhouse gases, and we’re quick to jump in and support any organization that makes an effort to be sustainable. The trouble is, talking isn’t really enough. What we ultimately need to do is take responsibility for the state of the Earth; we all need to do our part to ensure we keep things clean. In the case of event management, that means reducing the […]