10 Years 
Last Updated on May 30, 2022 by Joel Strellner
Wow, never when I started Everwall—10 years ago today, to the day—did I think we’d be where we are. We’ve been a part of some of the most known and recognizable events around the world, and, honestly, I feel like we’re just getting started.
Truthfully, when we got started, we weren’t a social wall provider. We first got started as a social analytics platform, and even that had a few name changes and iterations until it became Socialping, and truly set the foundation of what would become Everwall.
When I look back, and I think of all the name changes, product releases, and the iterations we’ve made, the only thing I can truly see is progress and evolution. Our path to become the company we are hasn’t been a straight one, but it’s been one that I’ve been proud of, and am grateful for.
Looking ahead I am quite certain that we’ll continue with that tradition of accepting change, evolving, and of course working with great clients. And that makes me very excited for the future of Everwall. When we chose the name, Everwall, from our former Tweetwall name, part of the reason we did so was to encapsulate the idea the we are an ever evolving company, and will continue to evolve as long as we’re around.
While many companies would throw a big bash and raise a big hoopla about their anniversary, all I can think to do is reflect, be thankful for, and then embrace what we are and then get heads-down again working on the great things we have planned.
I want to thank everyone who—in any of our incarnations—has ever been a part of the Everwall team, our investors, advisors, as well as anyone that has ever been a client along the way. Without you, we wouldn’t be where we are.
Thank you for an amazing 10 years.
Joel Strellner, CEO
Everwall, Inc.
What to be a part of the next 10 years? It’s easy, just go create a social wall today.