Five Time Management Apps for Event Planners

Last Updated on July 18, 2024

Time management proves critical for event planners juggling multiple tasks and deadlines. While strong organizational skills are vital, leveraging the right time management apps can enhance productivity and efficiency.

In this updated article for 2024, we’ll explore five popular and effective time management apps for event planners, highlighting features tailored for event planner’s needs. You’ll notice, though, that all but one of them are part of a much larger app that can be used for planning an event overall. serves as a robust project management tool, offering extensive time tracking features and high customizability for event planning.

Five Time Management Apps for Event Planners-01Special Feature for Event Planners: Specifically, enables event planners to create detailed schedules, assign tasks, and track time spent on each task. Its timeline and calendar views are perfect for managing event timelines and ensuring all details are covered. Additionally, the platform’s automation capabilities streamline repetitive tasks, saving valuable time.


Wrike, a versatile project management app, features powerful time tracking and collaboration tools tailored for event planners.

Special Feature for Event Planners: Wrike’s Gantt charts, task dependencies, and time tracking tools help event planners visualize and manage their schedules effectively. Furthermore, real-time collaboration ensures all team members are on the same page, making it easier to coordinate complex events. This makes Wrike one of the top time management apps for event planners looking to enhance team coordination.

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Five Time Management Apps for Event Planners-02Asana is a powerful project management tool known for its user-friendly interface and robust time management features, ideal for event planners.

Special Feature for Event Planners: Asana’s task lists, timelines, and project tracking features help event planners stay organized and on schedule. The ability to set task dependencies ensures that critical tasks are completed in the correct order. Asana’s collaboration tools, including comments and file sharing, facilitate efficient communication within the team.


ClickUp is an all-in-one productivity platform designed to simplify task management, time tracking, and collaboration for event planners.

Special Feature for Event Planners: ClickUp offers customizable views, including lists, boards, and calendars, to help planners organize their tasks and timelines. Time tracking features and integrations with other tools make it easier to manage workloads and ensure deadlines are met. The platform’s collaboration features also allow seamless communication among team members.

Toggl Track

Toggl Track, a dedicated time tracking app, provides detailed insights into time spent on various tasks and projects.

Five Time Management Apps for Event Planners-03Special Feature for Event Planners: Toggl Track’s intuitive interface simplifies starting and stopping timers for different tasks. Detailed reports show how time is allocated, helping planners optimize schedules and improve efficiency. Seamless integration with other project management tools provides a comprehensive workflow view. As one of the premier time management apps for event planners, it ensures every minute is accounted for.


Incorporating these top time management apps into your event planning toolkit can significantly enhance productivity and ensure smooth event execution. From comprehensive project management to specialized time tracking, these apps cater to the specific needs of event professionals. Utilizing resources like these five tools facilitates staying organized and delivering exceptional events, thereby maintaining a competitive edge in the industry.

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