Selecting The Right Event Management Software For Your Business

Last Updated on October 7, 2021

There was a time when the people responsible for running events had to rely almost exclusively on their wits to ensure that things went off without a hitch. Thankfully, those days are well behind us. Although event planning still requires a great deal of organization, logistical skill, and charisma; there’s now a bevy of tools on the market to make the job a whole lot easier.

Fortunate thing, too – as events grow larger and more complex, the need for tools and platforms that streamline the planning process grows greater and greater.

Today, we’re going to talk about how you can select an event management platform that’s a perfect fit for your firm. By the time you’ve finished reading, you should have a pretty decent idea of what you should look for, and how you can find something that suits your needs to a T. Let’s get started.

Why Do You Need The Software?

First and foremost, it’s important that you determine precisely why you need the software. What are you looking to achieve with this platform? What are your needs as a business?

“Consider your event management needs and be honest about where you encounter issues in your event preparation, delivery, and measurement,” advise Gina Isaacs and Michelle Schofield of “Do you need to deliver a better business value? Are you having difficulty engaging your event attendees? Do you simply need better overall event preparation?”

“The right online event management technology is intelligent, flexible, customizable, and offers measurable results; this platform can make your job significantly easier,” they add.

What OS Are You Using?

What mobile operating system does your business primarily use? Are most of your employees or volunteers on Android? Will most of the people involved in your event be using Blackberry devices? It’s important that you have a clear picture of the technological landscape within your organization before springing for an event management app – although the best tools generally provide multiplatform solutions, you may still find your choices limited.

Understanding The Different Types Of Providers

Referring back to the piece from Certain, there are generally three types of event management software providers:

  1. The “Afterthought” Provider: These companies consider event management as a sort of ‘value-added’ feature on top of their core business. This could fit your needs quite well, but you may also find that you want a more full-featured solution for your events. Consider carefully before springing for one of these.
  2. The Single-Solution Provider:  These organizations offer a solution for one specific facet of event management. They might specialize in registration and ticket sales, or marketing, or budgeting. Such a provider could be perfect if all you need is a better registration platform, but you may find them wanting if you’re looking for a full-featured tool.
  3. The Complete Solution Provider: Basically, these providers offer an event management tool that covers every step of the process.

Regardless of which of the three you spring for, it’s important that you practice due diligence and carry out a fair bit of research into each of your prospective choices. You need to make sure the app you settle on is both easy to use and secure. Otherwise, you’ll simply be wasting both time and money.