Optimizing the Look and Feel of Your Event

Last Updated on October 7, 2021

As an event management professional, you know full well that presentation is everything. I’m not just talking about appearance, either. I’m talking about everything from layout to décor to what sort of tech you’re using for audio and video. If you don’t put any work into these things, it shows – and your guests are bound to get bored.

Pay close attention to the look and feel of your event. The trick is to draw the eyes of your guests where you want them to look. 

Who Are You Running The Event For?

The first, most important question you need to answer is who you’re running the event for – and what sort of event it is you’re running. 

What’s Your Venue Look Like?

The good news is that some venues do the job for you in terms of aesthetics. When planning how your event’s going to be laid out, think first about how your venue looks. Is it a high-class hotel? A sports stadium? A beautiful park? What sort of venue you’re using will determine what sort of decorations will and will not work. Keep that in mind.

What Supplies Do You Have?

One of the most often-overlooked areas of event decoration involves your event supplies. This includes flags, banners, posters, clothing, tablecloths/napkins, and your event schedule. Basically, you want to consider how pretty much every incidental and piece of equipment you’re using interacts visually with every other piece of equipment.

What Sort Of Scenery Is Around The Venue?

Some of the best venues in the world are so well-known because of where they’re located. Use this to your advantage. If you’re renting out a sea-side conference hall, try to host a few keynotes on the balcony of the venue (or make use of the beach). If you’re in a park, see what greenery is available and incorporate it into your layout.

What Seating Arrangements Work For You?

One of the most important aspects of an event’s layout – and something almost every single event management professional is going to need to consider – is what sort of seating arrangements you intend to use, particularly if you’re serving food. A traditional banquet layout might work if you’re serving a buffet, but it probably isn’t particularly well-suited if you’re planning any sort of presentation during mealtime. Similarly, a meeting room setup is great for a business conference, but might not work so well in a convention.

I’d recommend using a seating application of some kind, such as ArrangeMySeat or OpenTables.