Blog » Event Tips

We offer a lot of little tips and tricks for events—like doing social media for events, planning events, knowing event industry terms, and more. And this little corner of our blog is where you’ll find all of those event tips. Good luck!

Why You Need To Plan For When Something Goes Wrong

There’s this old saying which has come to be known as Murphy’s Law: anything that can go wrong; will. As an event planner, this is a principle with which you need to be very familiar. Although the real world is hardly as grim as Murphy’s Law makes it out to be – and you shouldn’t go into your events with the assumption that something’s going to go horribly wrong – it definitely pays to have a plan handy for when things go wrong.  As far as the law of averages is concerned, it’s going to happen eventually. Maybe one of […]

Live Music for your Next Event: Good or Bad Idea?

When planning a corporate event, you must consider every aspect of the experience. From the check-in process to the tradeshow floor to the food, there is sure to be a lot on your mind. At some point, especially if you are planning a multi-day event, you need to consider the steps you can take to keep attendees occupied and having a good time. In many cases, this means choosing the right type of music. Generally speaking, you have two options: Hire a band to play live. Hire a DJ. There are pros and cons of both, meaning that the decision […]

How to Handle Negative Social Media Feedback During and After an Event

Putting on an event is a big deal. From a one day get-together to a multi-day trade show, you are well aware of the challenges. Let’s be honest: it is hard to make it through an event without at least one person getting angry. Many years ago, dealing with such a situation was simple. You would wait for the issue to be presented, and then deal with it one-on-one. The matter was kept rather hush and taken care of in person. In today’s world, where social media is in charge, things are not nearly as clear. Rather than take up […]

Top Tips for Hiring a Catering Company

When putting together an event, there are 101 things that you need to plan for. Obviously it is hard to get every little thing perfect, there is one thing that you should give a little more attention to: the food. You have a lot on your plate (no pun intended), including the task of hiring a catering company. Make the right choice and you will have attendees drooling. Make the wrong choice and you could soon have a problem on your hands. How to Hire an Event Catering Company The catering industry checks in with annual revenue of $9 billion. There […]

Keeping Your Attendees Entertained

Today, we’re going to be addressing a question which has doubtless plagued many event management professionals in the past: how does one keep their guests entertained without sacrificing the value of an event? How much novelty does one need to keep people interested – and how can one tell they’ve crossed the line and lost sight of their event’s original purpose? It’s not an easy question to answer, but I believe I’d like to start with a simple truth: presentation is everything. Every single factor, ranging from what sort of equipment you use to how the conference hall looks right […]