Blog » Event Planning

Welcome to the Event Planning section of our blog! Here you’ll find all the articles we have that are related to Event Planning as a whole.  Obviously we’ll throw in some relevant info about Everwall, if it makes sense to do so.

Is Your Event Prepared for Bad Weather?

When planning an event, you never want to think about the things that could go wrong. However, if you neglect to do so and disaster strikes, you will find yourself in a difficult position. Do you have a plan in place for bad weather? During the summer months, this could mean a severe thunderstorm. During the winter months, an ice and/or snowstorm could hit. Here are several questions you can answer now to ensure that you are prepared for the worst: 1. Can you reschedule the event if necessary? Often with larger events the answer to this question is no, […]

Is Money the Only Thing that Matters when Booking a Venue?

Are you in the process of booking a venue for your next event? As you compare your options there should be several key questions rolling through your head. Like many, the first factor you are likely to focus on is money. While you need to secure a venue that fits your budget, if you don’t consider other details you may find yourself making a poor decision. Here are four key factors, other than cost, to consider. Size There are venues of all sizes, ranging from small hotel conference rooms to large convention centers. Obviously, the more square footage a venue […]

Budget-Saving Tips for your Next Event

As an event management professional, one of your jobs involves juggling your event budget with the needs of your client. Unfortunately, running an event isn’t cheap, and a lot of clients will be looking to cut corners and save money wherever possible. Your clients might not necessarily understand what goes into getting an event up and running, and often end up trying to trim the fat from inadvisable components of your event, such as security costs, guest speaker budgeting, or equipment. Your job is to ensure that this doesn’t happen. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with trying to save money. […]

The Aftermath of a Failed Event, and what to do next?

A while back, I talked a bit about what an event manager—and the brand they’re working with—should do if one of their events goes south. That piece focused primarily on what an event management professional should do to avoid and mitigate trouble. Today, we’re going to focus on how to manage a failed event after the fact.  We’re going to assume that, despite your best efforts, you were unable to salvage your event.

What should be done after an event has gone off the deep end?

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5 Tips for Planning a Successful Event

There is a fine line between a successful event and one that blows up in your face. It goes without saying that you want to be planning a successful event. And you’re in luck! Here are five simple tips of advice to follow that can lead to a more successful event.

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