Blog » Event Planning

Welcome to the Event Planning section of our blog! Here you’ll find all the articles we have that are related to Event Planning as a whole.  Obviously we’ll throw in some relevant info about Everwall, if it makes sense to do so.

Learn to Relax—You’ll Have Better Events

Event management is pretty hard work – any event planner worth their salt is well aware of that fact. It’s a profession given to long, irregular hours, and one which requires deep passion coupled with a seemingly endless reserve of energy.  Plenty of event planners speak of working almost constantly, with nary a moment to rest. If you’re a novice event planner, you might be tempted to believe that this is the best road to success; that the best way to rise to the top of your profession is to toss aside everything not related to it. Unfortunately, you’d be […]

Common Hurdles Event Planners Face

No industry is perfect. Particularly in a field as fast-paced and fast-growing as event management, there are bound to be a few pitfalls, roadblocks, and growing pains scattered along one’s path. What separates the good event planners from the great ones is how they address these problems; how they meet – and overcome – the challenges thrown their way. Here are some issues that you may run into, and how to successfully overcome them: Keeping Your Clients Happy One of the most enduring problems in event planning is that many clients simply don’t have any idea of how the profession […]

The Event Manager’s Guide To Search Engine Marketing

What exactly does search engine marketing have to do with event planning?

Alright, so this is probably something of a strange topic for an event management blog. A lot of you are probably confused as to why I’m writing on it, but the answer is actually “more than you’d think.”

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Five Things To Consider When Selecting Your Conference Venue

As I’m certain you’ve heard on more than one occasion (you’re likely growing tired of hearing it by now), location is everything when planning an event – especially a corporate conference. Generally, the people attending these events are going to be discussing some fairly important stuff – a bad venue can leave a dark cloud hanging over the entire affair, something which can, in the worst case scenario, effectively derail the entire gathering. You want to do whatever it takes to ensure this doesn’t happen. Here are just a few of the things you’ll need to take into account when […]

Six Example Venue Amenities Every Venue Should Provide

We’ve talked a great deal previously on our blog about what event planners should do, what they should look for, what they should provide, how they should approach clients, and more. What we haven’t really touched on is venues. Today, we’re going to go over some example venue amenities that should always be included, since the amenities provided to you is what separates the great venues from the good, and the good from the mediocre venues.

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