Blog » Event Planning

Welcome to the Event Planning section of our blog! Here you’ll find all the articles we have that are related to Event Planning as a whole.  Obviously we’ll throw in some relevant info about Everwall, if it makes sense to do so.

The Best Ways To Market Yourself & Your Business

I recently read an interesting piece on the Cvent blog titled “If You Don’t Share Your Successes, You’ll Hate Yourself Later.” Essentially, it talks about how event planners shouldn’t be afraid to tell people of their accomplishments – they shouldn’t be worried about tooting their own horn, so to speak. “Don’t assume that doing a good job is enough or that your work speaks for itself,” writes the author, Kristi Sanders. “Most corporations are run by bean counters and revenue magnets who see everything as a cost center or line item, humans with health benefits included…they only know what they […]

The Role Of SEO In Event Management

As an event management professional, you might consider search engine optimization to be outside the scope of what you do. You might believe it’s something you need not concern yourself with. You’d be wrong. Search Engine Optimization actually plays a fairly vital role in event visibility, something which is directly correlated to both registration and ticket sales. If people can’t find your event website or portfolio through Google, you’re going to get less traffic. Less traffic in turn means fewer attendees and potential clients. See where I’m going with this? The problem, of course, is that SEO isn’t exactly a […]

Event Marketing FAQ

Planning an event is one thing. Implementing a sound marketing strategy is another thing entirely. When it comes to event marketing, there are sure to be many questions on your mind. Your goal is simple: to settle on a plan that will boost attendance and help ensure the overall success of the event. Here is a group of frequently asked questions related to event marketing. Once you answer these questions, it becomes much easier to move forward in a confident and concise manner. Which marketing tactics will generate the best results? There is no easy way of answering this question, […]

Five Mediums You Can Use To Market An Event

So, you’ve got this great idea for a conference, and you know exactly who you want on staff. Your brand has a clear end goal regarding what they want to achieve here, and you’ve given yourself more than enough time to adequately prepare yourself. There’s just one problem…no one actually knows about your event yet. I’ve said in the past that event management is a vital element in any marketer’s toolkit, but the inverse is true, as well: marketing skills are invaluable for any event management professional worth their salt. Knowing how to get the word out about a conference […]

Getting Your Attendees More Invested In Your Events

It sort of goes without saying that you want people to remember the events you put on.  You want them to talk about your firm and your brand for months afterwards; to wait with bated breath for your next convention. Naturally, the best way to do that is to give them exactly what they want. Now, here’s where things get a little complicated – information and entertainment are only part of the equation. These days, it’s not necessarily enough for people to go to a conference and passively absorb information, or attend a convention where they wander aimlessly around the […]