Why Publishing Content on LinkedIn is a Good Idea

Last Updated on October 7, 2021

There are business professionals who publish content on LinkedIn as often as possible. There are also those who never think twice about doing so. Which group do you fit into?

You don’t have to go crazy, posting to LinkedIn several times per day and turning this into an obsession. However, you should consider the benefits of adding this to your marketing strategy.

If you have yet to get involved with LinkedIn, if you don’t know what this professional networking site has to offer, now is the time to adjust your approach. Here are five reasons why publishing content on LinkedIn is a good idea:

1. Reach a Large Audience

In addition to your connections, there are millions of others on LinkedIn who may be interested in what you have to say.

With more than 400 million members in over 200 countries, you never have to worry about reaching a large number of business professionals.

2. Build Your Network

Are you interested in building your professional network? While there is nothing wrong with doing so through traditional means, such as local events, harnessing the power of the internet, more specifically LinkedIn, would be in your best interest.

Publishing content attracts readers. When you say something interesting, when you share content of value, these people will want to connect with you. It’s the exact same concept as blogging, only the readers will be coming to you just by logging into their LinkedIn, something that most business professionals do at least weekly.

3. Drive Traffic to Your Website

There is more to publishing content on LinkedIn than sharing value and adding connections. With the right approach, you can use this tool to drive traffic to your website. At that point, it is your job to convert the visitors into paying customers, email subscribers, etc.

Tip: using LinkedIn to drive traffic is a good strategy, but don’t become obsessed with this. If you do, your updates could soon be considered spam by the majority of your audience.

4. Become a Thought Leader

Regardless of your industry, being a thought leader is always a good thing. You want others to look at you as an authority. You want these people to turn to you when they have questions.

LinkedIn gives you a platform for sharing knowledge with the rest of the world. High quality content will prove that you know what you are talking about. Soon enough, others will look at you as a thought leader, which will open up a variety of doors.

5. Many Types of Content

You can publish many types of content to LinkedIn, including updates, blog posts, and group content.

An update is typically short and sweet. A blog post, however, gives you the opportunity to dive deeper into a particular topic. And of course, group content is when you share your knowledge and advice with members of a specific group.

Now do you see why publishing content on LinkedIn is a good idea? Do you have any tips for getting started?