Video Recruitment and Interviewing: Technology to Find and Hire the Best Talent

Last Updated on October 7, 2021

Go back in time 20 years. Do you remember what the hiring process consisted of? As an applicant, you spent a lot of time scanning newspaper classifieds in hopes of finding your next job. On the flipside, companies realized that finding the best talent typically meant doing so locally.

It’s now 2015 and things have changed for the better. Video recruitment and interviewing is on the rise, with a growing number of companies turning to the “digital world” to find and hire the best talent.

For the sake of this article, let’s take a strong look at how companies are using video technology to locate workers who can take their organization to the next level.

1. No longer limited to the local area. As you know, the best talent isn’t always located in your backyard. Sometimes you have to expand your search in order to find the employees who bring the most to the table.

With video technology, this is easier than ever before. For example, you can use video interviews to connect with applicants on the other side of the world. This gives you the opportunity to see what they offer before deciding to call them in for a face-to-face meeting. Not only does this save you time and money, but it does the same for the applicant. Talk about a true win-win.

2. Option to record video interviews. This is a killer feature for many reasons, including the fact that each and every interview can be reviewed by the hiring company as many times as they want.

Here is a scenario that comes up often. The HR department takes on the recruitment and hiring process. They complete the first round of interviews in an attempt to make a “short list.” As successful as they may be in doing so, it doesn’t change the fact that department supervisors and managers want a say-so in who comes on board.

This is where a recorded video interview comes into play. The HR department can share the interview with anybody who wants to learn more about the applicant. They can watch at their convenience and add their input. Pretty nifty, right?

3. Video onboarding. Once you find the right person for the job, it is time to get up and running. You are excited about getting him or her started as soon as possible.

Video onboarding is just what it sounds like: a system that provides you with tools for onboarding a new employee in a digital environment. From an employment contract to tax documents, new workers can digitally review and sign the necessary paperwork.

Some of the biggest benefits of video onboarding include:

  • Less paper
  • More organized
  • Faster and more efficient
  • Reduced training costs
  • Easier coordination between departments

Final Word

It doesn’t matter if you are hiring a full-time employee or contractors to work an upcoming event, with video recruitment and interviewing you will soon realize that the world is at your fingertips. There is top quality talent out there. Will you rely on advanced technology to locate the best workers for your company?