Twenty Components Every Event Management Website Needs

Last Updated on July 10, 2022

Most event management professionals understand the importance of having a website – or at least some sort of online presence.  While it’s certainly possible to get by without a website, it’s not the wisest choice in today’s competitive marketplace.

Yet, not all websites are created equal. There are certain elements, components that make up a site, which make one website more successful than another; attracting traffic, retaining visitors, and bringing people back to look again.

If you really want to see a return on the effort you put into your site, here are twenty components every event management website should cover in some way:

  1. A strong landing page. Your websites main page, the page first seen should be simple and eye catching. Most importantly, in a single glance a landing page must share the essence of a brands identity so that prospective clients know right away if you’re the firm for them.
  2. A simple, easy-to-remember domain. Yes, ideally, your domain is your firm, there’s no need to complicate things. And get creative if your firm name is 47 characters long!
  3. Contact information. Make sure contact information is easy to find (and offer a full range of contact options!)
  4. Clear navigation. Potential clients will seek additional information; make sure access is laid out in an intuitive fashion. Consult someone about your site’s User Experience (UX) if unsure.
  5. A unique style. You don’t want a boring website, nor do you want it to look identical to so many other event planning sites. Your website needs to express your firm’s taste and style.
  6. A clear description of services. This may be fairly lengthy section and include things like location options, industry niches you cater to, atypical client needs you’re equipped to meet, some historical information, and so on.
  7. Details on the principal. This is the place to brag and share what sets you, as a leader, apart from the competition.  Make it short, sweet and to the point!
  8. Management team profiles. Look here for a good example. Well…except for the typo at the end of the page. That’s bad.  Bonus tip: Proof read. Avoid typos!
  9. Photos and videos. Images are paramount for sharing a brands identity quickly; include images of your team, your events, and your venue(s) showing off décor, style, food, etc.
  10. Rates. This may be spelled out or discussed so-to-speak, but provide a perspective client some way of understanding of what price/service bracket you fall under. Always provide a call-to-action, exactly who to call or email to set up a meeting.
  11. Testimonials. Past clients willing to talk about what a fantastic job you did is the best to rope a new client!
  12. Proper search engine optimization. If you don’t know about SEO, SEO Moz is a fantastic place to start.
  13. A weblog. Share your management expertise, or invite guest speakers and sponsors to write posts on their own or the event industry.
  14. Mobile optimization. More people are surfing the web on their phones than ever before – don’t alienate those users.
  15. Social media integration. If your firm or you have social media profiles (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram), make certain there’s a link to it on your site.
  16. A Calendar.  Share your upcoming events (and a catalogue of your past events.)
  17. A “News” page. Announce positive press, awards, or significant changes within the firm, like a hiring or an expansion into a new city.
  18. Security. Your web host needs to be 100% secure, and this is generally reflected next to a URL. This is certainly required if you’re running registration through your site.
  19. A Career page. Up to date information for prospective employees is encouraged. This may include a portal for resumes.
  20. Coherent copy. Compelling, well-written copy may impress a new client, while poor copy will almost always have a negative effect. If your firm can’t express itself on a website, how will it manage someone’s event.

Every event planner could greatly benefit from an online presence.  You may be a small firm, or just starting out and this list seems daunting. Yet, if you choose to maintain a website there are certain components you should include.  Maybe you only touch on something now, but don’t ignore its value. As you grow you’ll improve that section. Your event management website will always be a work in progress.