Marketing Statistics Every Event Manager Could Use

Last Updated on October 7, 2021

As an event manager, you will have a lot on your plate. From setting and following a budget to selecting guest speakers, there won’t be much time to sit back and relax.

Your marketing strategy can make or break the success of your event. Take the right steps upfront and it will continue to pay off well after the event comes to an end. But make too many mistakes along the way, and you could soon find yourself wondering what went wrong.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to guarantee marketing success. A big part of this is tracking and analyzing statistics. You don’t want to think your plan is working. You want to know your plan is working.

Here are the types of marketing statistics/data every event manager should track:

Return on Investment 

How are you spending your marketing budget? If you don’t know the answer to this question, take a step back and regroup. You need to know where your money is going.

As you experiment with different marketing strategies, pay close attention to the return on investment. Where are you getting the most bang for your buck? Once you answer this question, you will know where to spend more of your money moving forward.

For example, you may find that money spent on social media, such as Twitter ads, is outperforming direct mail. Statistics related to your return on investment will be your best friend.

Social Engagement

Gone are the days when spreading the word meant calling potential attendees, sending direct mail, and paying for ads in industry publications.

In today’s world, it is all about social engagement. Of course, you don’t want to spend too much time on this strategy if you aren’t generating results.

Let’s take for example a company using Twitter to market an upcoming event. Track things such as:

  • Number of retweets
  • Number of favorite’s
  • Number of replies
  • Click through rate
  • Sign up rate
  • You can track similar statistics for all social media platforms.

It’s your Turn

Forget about what you have or haven’t done in the past. The future is a blank slate. As an event manager, don’t hide from statistics and data. Instead, embrace these numbers and use them to your advantage when planning future events.