Five Promising Emerging Markets in the Event Industry

If you’re looking to spice up your events, why not consider hosting it internationally? The thing about major, well-established markets is that everyone tends to flock to them. Instead, if you’re really looking to give your event a unique touch, it might be worthwhile to have a look at a few emerging markets and economies. Today, we’re going to have a look at some of the most promising up-and-coming markets for event planners. Though most of these regions aren’t terribly well-established on the global stage, they’ve all got great facilities at competitive rates. If you’re looking for something a little…

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Tips For Fixing Your Firm’s Bad Reputation

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about how you can nurture a good relationship between your event firm and its clients. We’ve examined marketing techniques, methods for handling any event management catastrophe that gets thrown at you, and how you should approach the matter of social media. Amongst all that talk, there’s one thing we haven’t really addressed to any satisfactory degree – negative publicity. What can you do if – in spite if your best efforts – your event management firm’s managed to foster a bad reputation? Poor publicity’s sort of like a nasty cold. No one actually…

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How To Deal With Equipment Theft

It’s an inconvenient fact about the world we live in – some people are no good, and will always try to get something for nothing. In the world of event management, that translates to theft of some pretty valuable equipment. See, that’s the problem with event planning: whenever enough people collect in a single area, there’s almost guaranteed to be a few bad eggs. As an event management professional, it falls to you to make sure those bad eggs can do as little damage to you and your guests as possible. Today, we’re going to go over some of the…

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How Many Events Per Year Should You Run?

I’ve mentioned before that the ability to plan out a successful event has become an integral skill for any marketing professional worth their salt. With the birth of social media and new methods of communication, consumers are demanding that brands interact with them in entirely new and personal ways. Events and conferences are an ideal means of accomplishing this.  Organizations are able to connect with both other personalities in the industry as well as their consumers; a good event can do almost as much for a brand as a successful viral campaign. But is there such a thing as going…

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Five Client-Related Event Management Woes

Not every event management pitfall you’ll encounter is the result of a bad vendor, a shifty partner, failing equipment, or a lazy volunteer. Sometimes, the problem isn’t with you or the event at all – it’s with the person who’s hired you. Everyone is going to deal with a difficult client at some point in their career, and it’s important that you be prepared for some of the issues you may encounter. Here are a few of the biggest client-side problems you’ll run into in the event management field, and how you can deal with them. Make sure you familiarize…

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