In the bustling world of event planning, standing out is essential. The industry is crowded, and with the advent of mass communication, nearly every field is overflowing with hopefuls.

Distinguishing yourself as an event planner requires true creativity and a willingness to step outside the comfort zone. Unique event planning can be your key to success.

Focus on a New Angle

Unique Event Planning: How to Make Your Events Stand Out-1To make your event truly unique, start by researching the industry you’re promoting. Understand the hot topics being discussed at other events and identify emerging perspectives that could draw a thought-leader crowd. Better yet, present fresh topics that your competitors haven’t touched on but would captivate your guests.

Tip: Establish yourself as a thought leader in a specific field. This takes time and dedication, but it can make you the go-to planner for all things related to that field.

Get Creative with Your Venue

Booking a standard conference hall is safe but often boring. Think outside the box for your event venue. Consider locations like a lakeside cabin, a rustic farmhouse, a bowling alley, or even a cruise liner. These unconventional settings can make your event more memorable and unique.

Hint: Ensure the venue meets all your logistical needs, but keep an open mind about unconventional spaces. They might offer more than you expect.

Hire an Up-and-Coming Guest Speaker

A celebrity guest isn’t always necessary. Look for emerging talent within the industry—someone making waves with new projects, publications, and innovative ideas. Lesser-known speakers can offer fresh perspectives and are often more enthusiastic about promoting their involvement, which in turn promotes your event.

Unique Event Planning: How to Make Your Events Stand Out-2Tip: A new keynote speaker is likely to self-promote the engagement, giving your event additional exposure.

Bring in More Technology

Incorporating technology can significantly enhance your event. Consider developing a custom app that allows guests to engage with speakers and vendors in new ways. Automated presenters and telepresence robots can add a futuristic touch, enabling remote attendance from around the world.

Speaking of tech… Try using Everwall’s social wall at your next event. Everwall isn’t boring—they actively engage participants and create buzz around your event.

Whether you’re an event planner or working in another industry, standing out from competitors is crucial. By focusing on unique event planning, you can create experiences that are memorable, innovative, and truly distinctive. Implement these tips, and watch your creativity soar as you distinguish yourself from the crowd with your next event.

Make your event unforgettable with Everwall’s real-time social wall. Get started now!