Can I add my own accounts to always allowed user list so I don’t have to approve them?

Event Walls Social Media Digital Signage Social Media Hubs

Yes, you can add your social accounts to the always allowed user list to bypass moderation and appear instantly. To do this, go to the Content page in our builder, click the edit icon next to the source you want to add your account (X/Twitter, Instagram, etc.), and at the bottom of the screen, you’ll find the option to add users to the always allowed user list and you can type in the account usernames. Another option is to hover over a post in one of the queues on the Posts page, and then select add to always allowed user list from the options that appear.

You can view the how to add users to always allowed user list tutorial to view the step by step process for adding users to the always allowed user list.

FAQ last updated on July 11th, 2024

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