Here's the content sources we support.
Mix and match as you please... One social wall, multiple content sources.
We created the first Twitter Wall.
When you think hashtag, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Twitter of course! While there were other services before Twitter, no other service has been so perfect for sharing those little quips you have. That’s exactly why we created the first Twitter Wall in early 2008.
Fun fact: Tweetwall was our company name for years.
Our Instagram walls are best in class.
Instagram is the king of the photo, and we support it, filters and all. You can pull in Instagram photos and display them on your social wall in all their photogenic glory.
We support both Instagram Personal Accounts and Instagram Business Accounts, the latter allowing you to pull in any public post that uses your hashtag.
Did you know?
You can combine any of the sources we support into your final social wall, and show them all together on the same screen.
Text & Picture Messaging (SMS / MMS)
For those not on the socials…
Yup, for any of your guests not on social media, or for your “private” events, we support text messages. We also support text messages with pictures in the US and Canada so your guests can share pictures as well.
Countries supported are: United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Puerto Rico, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Web Form
The second step towards modern day social.
The web form source makes it easy for private events to get their guests involved. It’s mobile friendly, designed to fully match the wall you design, and supports all nine different languages our walls do—they can post in any language, though—so you can be sure your guests understand what goes where, and are comfortable. It can also be embedded into event apps to allow your guests to post straight from those.
The best place to get your business on.
Import any content from LinkedIn into Everwall. All you have to do is find it on LinkedIn, copy the URL and import it. Yes, that’s right, just like every other company out there that’s not named LinkedIn, we cannot monitor LinkedIn automatically—you’ll need to import the posts you want to see into Everwall.
Don’t worry, though, we make the process really easy.
We ♥ Slack, too!
When you enable slack on your social wall, you can ensure that everyone around your office knows what’s happening. You can include any/all of your channels, and display the posts beautifully on a custom social wall.
Where all the best teams are at.
Your Webex Spaces are a great place to have conversations about anything, so why not have one dedicated to your event? Or, your sales wins? Or, any other company related topic? Connecting Everwall to monitor these Spaces makes it so people not in that Webex Space can see it, too. It’s awesome.
The great granddaddy to social networking.
Who doesn’t have an email account? Whether you want to share the email you’re assigned so anyone can post from their email, or you want it for just your team to be able to easily post, we support it. We even support requiring a password for you super secret types.
For you crafty types in the office, this is a great way to have your wall display updates from your internal tools, or even to make it so your old school teammates can join in on the fun.
Easy-to-use “normal” people file and picture storage.
With Dropbox we can monitor one or more folders for new pictures to be added, and display those on your wall as they’re added—just like Box, but less enterprisey.
RSS Feeds
Public, or password protected… Let Everwall show your feed on your Social Wall.
Add as many RSS feeds as you’d like, and we’ll monitor them minutely and show them on your Social Wall as posts.
Everwall Connect
How true partners integrate.
Everwall Connect is a way for our partners to connect directly to your wall and upload posts—perfect for photo booth companies, event apps, and more.