Do you provide on site support?

Event Walls Social Media Digital Signage Social Media Hubs

Typically, our team is not on site during your event and therefore we can’t provide on site support. In most cases Everwall is only the software side of the solution and you’d arrange with another provider (typically the venue’s house AV team) the hardware portion, like the TV or projectors. The only part you’d have to worry about then, is connecting the computer (rented or brought with you) to the TV and then opening Google Chrome full screen going to a URL that we provide (you won’t even have to log in).

If you want one of our team members on site to set up the computer, get it all configured and operational, and then remain on site until the event ends, we can do that—however, you’d still need to arrange to have a screen delivered and set up. To learn more about the pricing and what all comes with it, check out our VIP offering and then reach out.

If the only reason you’re considering having us on site is because you’re looking for assistance with moderation, we also provide remote moderation services. The pricing for managed moderation is $199 per event day, and includes us manually reviewing each and every post before it’s displayed, and then displaying or blocking the post as appropriate.

FAQ last updated on June 20th, 2024

Still have questions? Get in touch.