Polling Changes
Published on February 8, 2019
Today we rolled out a number of changes to Polling, primarily targeted to support future features, and providing a few nice options for our Full Service team now.
Our API now supports the ability for custom integrations to log votes for categories in a poll. In other words, we can now build touch screen voting into your full service walls, so your guests don’t need to vote via Twitter or Instagram. They can use iPads / Tablets / Touch Screens to vote.
In addition to API changes, we also added in some future options around displaying polls full screen, the audit log, and more.
Looking for more to read in our Changelog?
We’ve updated the navigation to easier get in and out of the account area. Now you’ll find direct links to all of the important pages within the account portion of your account.
Today we launched a newly revamped Personal Instagram integration (Instagram also sometimes calls this their Instagram Consumer offering). This integration allows you to pull in posts from your own Instagram account. This is not to be confused with the Instagram Business offering which lets you pull in public posts to Everwall by their hashtags or from your own accounts.
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