Do your Social Media Hubs (Embeds) track any user identifiable information?

Event Walls Social Media Digital Signage Social Media Hubs

No, we do not track any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) when serving our Social Media Hubs (embeds). We barely even track non-identifiable information—in fact, the only thing we track is page view counts and the URLs to the pages that load the embed (with all URL parameters removed), and that does not provide anything about who loaded the embed (no IPs, no browser information, no cookies, or anything else).

The page view counter simply increments each time the Social Media Hub is loaded so we can track usage.  This allows us to see if a specific embed is causing too much stress, so that we can identify it. But nothing user identifiable is ever shared, stored, or available in any logs.

We need to store the URLs that load the Social Media Hubs so we can clear caches when changes are made and for support purposes.

For more details about our privacy policy, you can go here.

FAQ last updated on June 6th, 2024

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