Major Stats Upgrade Release
Published on May 31, 2019
Today we’re excited to release a major update to the Stats we offer on all social walls. Not only is it faster at displaying the charts and data, it offers a ton more details you’ve been asking for, like being able to display hourly data when looking at a single day, showing the number of unique participants, and seeing which content sources (Twitter, Instagram, etc) are being used.
In addition to those new data points, we’re also exciting to be showing you the languages your posts are written in. This is something that’s been in the works for well over a year and included us going back and categorizing every single post on every single social wall… Yes, that means that no matter when your social wall was, it now has all of the new data.
Finally, for live events, you’ll now see that your data updates in real-time. So, while your event is happening, head on over to the stats page and you’ll get a real-time view into the activity around your wall. Oh, and if you don’t want to see it updating, that’s just a simple checkbox away to disable it.
We’re really proud of this newly updated feature, and hope it helps you gain better insights into your events powered by Everwall.
Looking for more to read in our Changelog?
Today we added a new page to the dashboard that provides details for accessing your wall via our APIs. On this new page, you can get the embed code for embedding your social wall onto your website, (Social Media Hubs now have their own dedicated page) get the URLs for a JSON or XML feed for any custom integrations you want to do, as well as provide ways for you to gain access to the Full API we offer or Everwall Connect. We’re excited to see how you’ll integrate Everwall!
Today we are proud to announce the public availability for Instagram Business Profiles on Everwall. Instagram Business Profile support means that we are able to support pulling in public posts from Instagram by hashtag. We can also pull in all posts from the @account that you authenticated.
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