Temple University
The College of Education and Human Development at Temple University was founded in 1919 to empower children and their communities through education, by educating teachers and school leaders.
Temple University’s College of Education wanted to share user generated content during their incoming student convocation in order to increase the students’ excitement for the school and the new academic year. They also wanted students to feel engaged with the day specifically, and share their own photos of the convocation for their friends and families to see.
To accomplish this, they projected Everwall on the screen in the auditorium before the convocation began, which allowed the students to view and interact with the posts while they were waiting for it to start.
Temple University used our self-service social wall platform, and displayed several hundred posts. Additionally, since they were an educational customer, they were able to take advantage of our generous 20% off education discount.
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I highly recommend Everwall! It is an affordable option that looks good and is very easy to setup and use. I really appreciated that we had access to the platform prior to event day and were able to "fill" the wall with content from before the event.Courtney Douglas
Associate Director of Marketing and Communications, Temple University College of Education
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