How do I add or remove a leaderboard from my wall?

Event Walls Social Media Digital Signage Social Media Hubs

We currently offer four different leaderboards that can be shown on your social wall. The leaderboard types are Engagement, Interactions, Followers, and Custom. You can also hide the leaderboard from being shown. Even if you do not show the leaderboard, we still collect the data and make it available for you to review within your account.

To add or remove a leaderboard from your wall, click on the Edit button for your social wall and then navigate to the Design step. In the Miscellaneous Options section, you’ll find a toggle to turn the leaderboard on or off. If you turn it on, a second option will appear, allowing you to select which type of leaderboard you want to display and if you want it to start empty daily or to be for the entire event.

We have complete step by step tutorials for editing your leaderboard’s settings here.

FAQ last updated on June 6th, 2024

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