How to Post Messages, Photos and Videos Through Everwall Direct (Web Form)

Last updated on January 9th, 2025

Managing Content

After adding Everwall Direct to your Social Wall or Social Media Hub, there will be a link provided to you that you can share with your event’s attendees. This link allows them to submit messages, pictures, and videos that will show up on your Social Wall or Social Media Hub.

The link we provide you can easily be converted into a QR code to make sharing it easier.

How to Submit a Post Through Everwall Direct Link (Web Form)

Step 1: After clicking the link to the web form or scanning the QR code to take you to the web form, you will be asked to provide your name and username. We need this information to show along with your post. Once submitted, we will save it and use it for future posts so if you come back to this page, it will go straight to step 2.

Tip: if you ever need to change your name or username, you can force the web form to ask you again by adding ?reset=true to the end of the url that we assign you.

fullname and username for web posts

Step 2: After providing your name and username, you can now post messages, pictures, and/or or videos. Depending on the settings of the social wall, it may require a message, media, or both a message and media.

When submitting a photo or video, you’ll see a preview of the content. For photos, you will also have optional editing tools to modify the image. You can rotate, mirror, or resize (crop) the photo as needed.

After your message is ready, click Submit Post to post the content onto the social wall.

Note: You may upload photos and videos up to 20 MB in size. The system will automatically adjust the photo quality to ensure it does not exceed this limit. Videos must be in MP4 format.

Submit post button orig

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