How to Add X (Twitter) to your Social Wall

Last updated on March 23rd, 2025

Content Sources

Everwall supports displaying posts from X, formerly known as Twitter. To use it, simply connect your X account to Everwall. Once connected, you can pick any number of hashtags, keywords, phrases or @users to watch X for, and we’ll pull them into your social wall in real time.

How to Add Twitter as Your Social Content On Your Wall

Step 1: In the content sources page, select X (Twitter) as your content source.


Step 2: Select your X account or, click Add Another X Account to be sent to X to connect your X account to Everwall.

Select Twitter account button

Step 3: When you’re on X’s website and adding your X account, enter your X account username or email, and password. Optionally, tick the Remember me box, and then click the Authorize app button.

After this, your X will be linked to your Everwall account.

Authorize Everwall to access twitter account

Step 4: After selecting your X account, a window will pop up asking you to fill out the X specific settings. Furthermore, if you wish to change your X account, you can click the change link to change your X account.

change account

Step 5: Enter the hashtag you want to pull from the X platform. You can also enter keywords, phrases by putting quotes around it, or posts mentioning an @user, or posts from specific @users.

Monitor for all Tweets

Step 6: You can optionally set a minimum limit for followers for posts. By setting this value higher you can reduce the chance of receiving spam, abuse, and manipulating posts from X. We default it to 0, but often just setting it to 1 is enough to get rid of many bots.

follower Threshold

Step 7: You can optionally remove Retweets/Reposts from appearing on your social wall. We highly recommend using this option. If you enable the blocking of Retweets, and are using the Engagement Leaderboard, we recommend you check the box to still count the retweets in stats and on leaderboards. If you are not using the Engagement Leaderboard, then leave this unchecked.

Note: For most events we recommend using the Interactions leaderboard, so this should be unchecked for most events.

Block Retweets

Step 8: If you know specific users you want to block from appearing on your social wall, you can toggle the Always Blocked User List on, and then add those usernames now. Enter one username per text box, and click on “Add another” below to add additional fields for other users. During the event, you can easily add users to this list by selecting the “Add User To Block List” from the moderation screen.

always blocked user list

Step 9: Similar to the Always Blocked User List, you can add people to the Always Allowed User List to allow users bypass all filters and moderation and show their post immediately. Enter their X username to add them on the list. You only want to use this for X accounts that you fully trust since everything they post will be displayed without checking the various filters you’ve enabled.  Additionally, their posts will not go through the moderation queue, they’ll be displayed always.

always allowed user list

Step 10: After filling in all of your choices, click Save to add X as your content source.

save button

Step 11: Once X is enabled, you will see X (Twitter) in the list as your content source.

X Added


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