How to Add Additional Users to Your Account

Last updated on January 16th, 2025

Account Basics

With Everwall, you have the option to create user profiles for collaborative purposes. To manage each user’s access, you can customize permissions for every user profile. You can restrict access to certain users or allow them to access specific walls.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of adding new users, assigning roles and permissions, and managing user accounts effectively.

Step 1: Click your account to show the dropdown menu options then select Manage Users.

manage users

Step 2: You will be directed to the User’s account page, click the New User button to add a user.

new user

Step 3: To add a new user, enter the First Name, Last Name and Work Email.

Firstname Lastname Email

Step 4: Choose the permission of the user you want to add. With full access, they can add, edit, or delete other users, modify account settings, and access and manage all walls within the account.

full access

Step 5: Conversely, if you opt for limited access, you can specify the user’s permissions and set which walls they can access.

limited access

Step 6: Choose the access level of the user:

  • Admin – allows you to modify specific walls
  • Moderator – allows you to post, edit or block posts
  • Read Only – allows you to view posts only

access level

Step 7: Select which wall they can access.

select wall they can access

Step 8: After choosing the role and setting the permissions, click Create User to add the user profile.

create user

Step 9: The user you just created will receive an email with instructions on how to create their account and be prompted to create their password. If they already have an account with Everwall (based on their email address already being in our systems), they’ll get a different email with instructions on how they can change the account to your account after logging in.

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